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I really enjoyed the opportunity to earn college credit for on the job work experience. The internship coordinator, Julie Miller and I, set objectives for the term in regard to the requirements of the host site along with personal objectives like, career exploration and gaining knowledge that pertains to an area of interest for me.

Along with working on the host site, the class includes events involving local businesses and networking opportunities as well as professional development workshops that teach students how to successfully navigate job interviews. The workshops also help students create a cover letter and resume, job search productively online and create a professional ePortfolio website to highlight new skills and experiences.

Chemeketa WORKS Program 2020

 The group of Winter 2020 interns with me in   the top row and our Coordinator Julie, below me 

My Internship Experience

Cami Nyquist- Founder 

I was very fortunate to get the opportunity to work with the dedicated team at Swedemom Center of Giving in McMinnville. Cami Nyquist the founder of Swedemom really engages you with her passion for the work done through her organization and the possibilities in the future. Savannah lent me her time and expertise patiently answering all my questions when training me in their wheel of production process.



"Swedemom is dedicated to helping charitable organizations embrace a new model to create financial stability by turning material donations into cash through a proprietary e-commerce platform."-

My Contribution

The first general objective for any intern is to learn the culture, mission and branding of the host site, while doing so, conduct ourselves professionally at all times.


My second objective was to get involved with an aspect of Visual Communication within the Swedemom organization. For me, this involved gathering information through email exchanges and communicating with individuals regarding the status and viability of the MacHub website and relaying all info back to Cami in a timely manner.  


My next objective was to learn the Swedemom "Wheel of Production" including:

Intake, Imaging, Description, Final Production, Storage, Purchase, Retrieval, Mailing


The final objective was to focus on a project with measurable results that related to area of personal and professional development.


Cami and I decided that I could make an impact on the donation room where material from multiple organizations is dropped, sorted and stored before production. I saw an opportunity to change the layout of the room to present donors with an organized and easily identifiable space for their donations. I also collaborated with my trainer and production specialist Savanah on the final layout of the room and on designs for signage to hang above each designated donor space. (results below)


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Graphic Design | Logo Design | Branding | Illustration

Last Updated 2023

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